Fibreglass reservoirs

Purpose and principle of operation
Fibreglass reservoirs have become a ubiquitous part of modern life. Small enterprises and industrial giants can no longer do without them in a production process for transportation, storage of food products, technical and drinking water, chemical solutions, various fuels and many other things.
The technical characteristics and physical properties of fiberglass tanks that are behind safety and reliability of their broad application are these:
- water tightness and absence of filtration in interaction with different types of liquids;
- fibreglass reservoirs have sufficient mechanical durability ensuring resistance to liquid pressure force;
- full corrosion resistance, thermal and chemical stability upon contact with various aggressive media;
- light weight of reservoirs: density of fibreglass does not exceed 1.1 tons per 1 cubic meter of liquid.
Extremely small prime cost compared to stainless steel, aluminium and other materials used in the manufacturing of reservoirs.
Guaranteed service life is not less than 50 years, the calculated service life for storage of aggressive liquids also being 50 years.
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