Water treatment chemical feed stations

The task of chemicals’ station is to prepare necessary volume of soluble chemicals and to inject them evenly into the wastewater for the processing of it. The chemical reagents used in the system are those intended for a quality water treatment.
Provision is made for special metering units for the preparation of wastewater for the sedimentation, flotation, oxidation and reduction of dissolved pollutants.
Preparation of solution
To obtain necessary concentration, dry chemical is poured through the loading hole into reservoirs of the unit preliminarily filled with water. A mixer with electric motor mixes the solution until a uniform state is obtained. The type of chemical, as well as various speeds of rotation when mixing determine the use of various mixer modifications.
The chemical is fed into the metering pump necessarily through a mesh filter which does not allow unsolved particles to get into the pump.
The metering occurs in automatic mode. The prepared chemical solution is injected based on the flow velocity of the waters being treated and with obligatory maintenance of the required pH level.
The stations are designed for the functional modes of volume pressure-fed metering of aggressive and neutral liquids, suspensions, and emulsions with dynamic viscosity of up to 400 mPa*s (when standard valves are used) and up to 1000 mPa*s (when spring valves are used). Water pH is 0 ... 14. Temperature is zero to plus 50°C. Concentration of solid non-abrasive phase is up to 10% by weight, and with the grain size of solid non-abrasive phase no more than 1% of the diameter of nominal bore of connecting branch pipes.
When delivered to customers, the REEF company’s TehSP reagents feeder station is complete with all necessary components for precise and trouble-free operation of metering pumps.
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