Poultry farm wastewater treatment

The wastewater of poultry farms, apart from household wash water, contains feather, grease, blood, proteins, and other pollutants. But prior to the primary treatment of sewage at poultry-farming enterprises and their divisions, feather-containing and other rough specific pollutants are separated. For this purpose, feather obstructing installations are used that can also be placed at the treatment plant itself.
Overview of the technology of treating poultry farm wastewater with REEF company stations
The TehGrid self-cleaning bar screen are used to remove and collect feathers, debris, and other inclusions.
After that all wastewater flows into the TehFat primary clarifier where greasy substances are skimmed, and heavy fractions are sedimented. The scraper system removes floating greases, which are shipped for disposal in a dumpster. The sediment is sent to the sludge collector tank.
After the grease catcher system, the wastewaters flow into the TehTank equalization tank.
To prevent the deposition of sediment and decrease the concentration of putrefactive smells REEF uses the system of wastewater agitation with special mixers in the equalization tank. An original filter press dehydrates the sediment.
At the next stage, hydrophobic and light suspended solids are removed from wastewater in the TehFlo foam and floatation separation unit with a pocket of already purified water. The treatment of wastewater is improved many-fold owing to recirculation scheme of treatment of the plant.
Both stages of physical and chemical processing of wastewater make provision for treatment with special reagents. Their brands and dosage are adjusted during operation of the whole complex of treatment facilities by means of pilot tests and monitoring.
To achieve necessary statutory standards for bacteriological indicators in treated wastewater of each poultry processing enterprise provision is made for ultra-violet disinfection installations.
After a two-stage floatation treatment the wastewater is discharged through the pumping station located in the pocket of treated drain of second stage flotation unit. This pump also ensures the functioning of flotation units using the recirculation mode.
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