Wastewater treatment stations of an oil refinery

Modern oil processing factories are equipped with wastewater transport systems of three types: for production, atmospheric (stormwater) and household (from bathrooms, showers, wash basins, floors rinsing water and rom decontamination of rooms) wastewater.
Overview of the technology of treating with REEF company stations
Wastewater is transported into a separator (lamella clarifier with grit and sand removal system), floating and mechanical pollutants are extracted that settle on the bottom of the plant up to the level of their discharge onto floatation units.
All separated oil product is channelled to the accumulation tank, and the sediment — to the sludge collector tank.
Next, wastewater mass is carried to the intermediate tank, from where it is taken by the TehFlo floatation unit (of foam and floatation separation), where it is clarified from hydrophobic and light suspended solids.
The recirculation scheme of treatment of this plant sharply increases the level of wastewater treatment.
The sludge removal mechanism removes foam from the surface of flotation unit and conveys it over reception tray to the sludge collector tank.
To accelerate the process of treatment, the 5 percent solution of a coagulant (aluminium sulphate, Aqua Aurate or other) is fed into the wastewater (in the Chemicals Management Complex of flotation units) in the dose of active agent of
After the floatation treatment, wastewater mass is channelled for subsequent treatment through the pumping station in the pocket of treated drain of flotation unit. This pump also ensures the functioning of flotation units in recycling mode.
Upon completion of floatation treatment, the wastewater is carried to the filtering unit consisting of the TehFilt filters with anthracite-sand filling and two stages of filters with BAU-A coal filling.
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